New Design For automation of the Manual Task using Block with proof of Experience within the System
As we know the manual task is something that everyone is looking to automate but there is problem with this approach that with technology you can automate the process to certain extend but the challenge is how to validate and automate the manual task, many company do the quality assurance after that to validate it, plus there are some tasks which need really experienced person to solve it (manually).
So, we try to solve this problems by coining the new concept called proof of experience and reward wining mechanism (block chain) to automate the manual tasks. We propose an enterprise design solution to make it complete automated and take care that the system is self-evolving in nature.
The concept is something which will totally work in permissioned based trust worthy system which is why big Enterprises can use it to their advantage. As we know that with experience we get the wisdom and hence the knowledge which is of the asset for companies to make proper decisions, so considering the manual testing cases, there are many cases where the manual task need consensus of an experience person. say for example if we want to resolve some exceptions and that exception cannot be done automatically and hence the manual task is needed,
There are 3 cases:
Case 1: if that exceptions are resolved by a coder(manually), there is always the chance of mistakes.
Case 2: if that is resolved with experience coder(manually), there is less chance of mistakes
Case 3: If that is resolved by consensus of experience coders, there is no chance or rather I would say odds are very low.
Now if we see this case, these are the challenges which need to be automated as this takes lots of time and the whole thing is independent and hence there are lots of redundancy to correct or validate it. Hence comes the proof of experience which is the concept where the persons need to provide the proof of their experience or should have enough experience to validate the data,
if not they are not allowed or their decision is not given the importance.
how to calculate the experience?
This can depend from Domain to Domain. Different techniques and approaches can be used to calculate it.
Some coders(manual) are having good experience in some type of exceptions so this experience is calculated on basis of their experience on type of work and that could be plotted between 0 to 5 and hence that value will be useful in providing the proof of their experience.
So basically, the permissioned based block chain methodology is used to come up on consensus over the problem with providing their proof of experience for the specific type of problem, In this case it’s the Exceptions.
Step 1. Manual task
In this process, we need to come up with the task which needs the manual intervention and need multiple confirmation / consensus.
Step 2.
Whatever best according to the business requirements
Approach 1:
Using Block chain technology for forming blocks of every transactions
Approach 2:
Centralized mechanism to track every transaction.
Step3. Use Customized proof of Experience for consensus
Step4. Finally, if consensus meet, commit it.
CASE (Solving the Exceptions(Tasks)):
Step 1:
The Task allocating server allocates the task, which are manual in nature plus the task need quality assurance or the validation from the experience persons.
Once that is done the task allocator broadcast the task to the clients
Here for example client id: - 35451, 37881 …...38288
So basically, these are the ids which are used to authenticate the clients (manual coders)
Then we have the proof of Experience server which basically store the information of every clients with their exposure to the task or exceptions(excep) they have resolved. It also manages the identity and validates it.
ID excep1(task1) excep2(task2) excep3(task3)
35451 3 4 2
the above table is the information which stores the expertise of particular id with the number from scale (0-5), wher
0 -> less experience
5 -> highly experience
ID 35451 has good experience in task2 then task1 or task3
According to the requirement we can select either of the approaches
The basic concept is the for every task(excep1) there is consensus made on the approaches Example:
35451 yes
37881 yes
So as per the information in this block, Id 35451 supports the proposed approach/solution for resolving the task, client can also propose solution, similarly for id 37881, he also support the approach which is used in this task.
Step 3 and 4:
Server will take the decision depending upon clients experience and make the decision whether the solution should be committed or not.
Now the proof of experience server is the place where every client’s data and its expertise’s are stored and are modifiable with the time on the basis of the tasks they solve with the accuracy in their work and hence the grading changes.
So, with the above example the server knows that for task1, for id 35451 has good experience and its decision has importance, here any sort of logics can be used and lastly on this basis the consensus is made, hence the manual task is completely automated.